Association Actions
Neighbourhood Watch
Street by street, you can sign up to the scheme
Street Ambassadors
A street ambassador organises each street and share SMRA information.
A range of issues we are tackling to improve the environment.
Street Ambassadors
We are seeking volunteers from within the village who are willing to represent their respective roads. The objective is to recruit one to two Street Ambassadors for each road in the village, with certain larger roads requiring additional representation, such as Hithermoor Road and Horton Road.
This is an opportunity to get involved with the Association by helping to create stronger community bonds on each street. The commitment from you is small – join a Whatsapp group and share messages with your neighbours.
The role of the Street Ambassador will be to serve as a representative on behalf of the residents of their road. They will be responsible for reporting any issues or problems to the SMRA, as well as disseminating information regarding events and meetings organized by the association to all residents. Additionally, when public meetings are scheduled by the SMRA, the Street Ambassador will distribute leaflets to every household on their road to ensure that all residents are informed.
To facilitate effective communication, the Street Ambassador will have access to a restricted WhatsApp group. This group will include all members of the SMRA committee, as well as the entire Street Ambassador team, serving as a central hub for information and communication.
Furthermore, the Street Ambassador will act as a volunteer for the SMRA and can be contacted in times of emergency, such as instances of flooding or any other urgent matters. Sign up as a Street Ambassador – let’s bring a village together.
October 2023
1. Street Cleaning. Street bins sometimes overflowing. Recycling bins attracting fly tipping. WE are working to ensure street bins are regularly emptied. The recycling bins outside village hall which attracted rubbish have been removed.
2. Taxis. Problem of anti-social behaviour, urinating, defecation, litter, idling, (day and night). Surrey County Council are working with the parking enforcement contractor (NSL) to improve enforcement in the village. We are discussing with Surrey County Council the proposal for a controlled parking zone and improved signage in the village.
3. Ditches. Problem of weeds, litter and fly tipping. Surrey County Council and Spelthorne Borough Council have agreed to clean up the ditches they are responsible for.
4. Drains. Problem of disrepair and neglect. Surrey County Council to map the drains near M25 J14 so that they can be repaired.
5. Bridleways. In disrepair and prone to flooding. We need to find who is responsible for each of these.
6. Meet and Greet, and Holiday Parkers. Yellow lines have pushed these further into the village. Some streets have sections permanently occupied by Meet and Greet cars, holiday parkers are parked for up to two weeks. Action: We are discussing with Surrey County Council a controlled zone for the village.
7. Maintenance Plan. Signs are in disrepair. Surrey County Council to arrange for signs to be improved.
8. Weight restriction not being observed by trucks in the village. Surrey County Council to enforce signs at M25 junction 14 entrance stipulating weight restriction. Spelthorne Council to help in identifying how to repair CCTV.
9. Fly tipping. We need CCTV at M25 junction 14 entrance. Spelthorne Council to help in identifying how to repair CCTV. Highways England are responsible for more fencing improvements.
10. Rubbish in flood relief ditch and fly tipping on their land. Kwasi Kwateng is liaising with the Environment Agency to address this.
11.Overgrown Footpath by Leylands Lane. Surrey County Council to look into who is the owner and maintenance.