Our Upcoming Events

Stanwell Moor Residents Association

Plan for Stanwell Moor in 2024

The plan for the Stanwell Moor Residents Association outlines various events and initiatives aimed at enhancing the village life and improving the environment.

Stanwell Moor Village sign

Priorities for Stanwell Moor

We are working with residents, Surrey County Council, Spelthorne Council, Surrey Police and Heathrow Airport to address the key priorities for our village:

man in white shirt driving car

Public Spaces Protection Order

rom May 2024 Stanwell Moor has the benefit of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) banning Heathrow cabs on its roads. The village has been lobbying Spelthorne Borough Council and Heathrow Airport for action against private hire cabs clogging its roads, littering its streets and abusing residents. This is positive news demonstrating that our village can confidently make its case for action with key stakeholders responding to its needs.

Public Meeting 17 July 2024 SM

Public Meeting 17 July 2024

Join us to meet with key stakeholders for our community at our public meeting at 6.30pm on Wednesday 17 July 2024 at Stanwell Moor Village Hall. Listen to their presentation, ask questions and agree their actions.

Earth Day 2024

Residents Association Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2024

Residents Association Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2024 covering Public Spaces Protection Order and Public Meeting

man in white shirt driving car

Stanwell Moor in the news: private hire hell.

The Daily Mail reports on the problems we suffer with private hire vehicles abusing our village.

4 Candidates General Election 2024

2024 General election hustings held in Stanwell Moor

General election hustings held in Stanwell Moor. SMRA hosted two general election hustings in Stanwell Moor to enable residents to ask prospective candidates what they will do to support our village.

Grass cutting

SMRA: Protecting our environment

Stanwell Moor Residents Association is working to get Surrey County Council to take our village seriously and protect our environment. Earlier this year we reported the issue of poor quality grass cutting by Surrey County Council in Stanwell Moor and complained to the Council.

Spelthorne Summer 2024 events

Spelthorne Council Spring and Summer 2024 events

Spelthorne Borough Council is hosting a variety of events and activities over the summer months from June to September 2024.

white clouds

Give Feedback on draft Air Quality Action Plan

The Spelthorne Borough Council pollution control team have launched a draft air quality action plan (AQAP). They are keen to receive feedback on this from residents.

Grass cutting

Quality of Grass Cutting in Stanwell Moor

This is the season when grass cutting in the village by Surrey County Council begins and needs to be done properly so the quality of the environment can be maintained. However, recent cutting that took place has left the cuttings on the pathways.

broken glass on wooden surface

Surrey Police ASB Survey 2024

Surrey Police have launched an Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) Survey (2024). Please support Surrey Police by completing this survey.