parked car on street of city

Heathrow Airport acts on nuisance parking in villages

Heathrow Airport acts on nuisance parking in surrounding villages. After much lobbying from residents about nuisance parking in its villages Heathrow Airport has acted to address the problem with a new reporting portal.  Residents have raised the problem of private hire cars parking in their villages and committing anti-social behaviour.

In response Heathrow Airport has launched the airport related nuisance parking reporting portal on the Heathrow website. The Airport said “this will provide a single place for local residents/businesses to be able to report nuisance parking in local areas to Heathrow Airport.”

Heathrow Airport will use the data reported to inform surface access future projects and create a hotspot map that local authorities can also make use of.

To help to raise the need for action in the village we encourage all our residents to make use of the portal.

The form to report airport related nuisance parking can be found on their website: nuisance parking portal.

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