Stanwell Moor History
Visit the Stanwell Moor History Group for more stories about the village. Below is the introduction to the website from the Author.
“Despite only being a “local” since 1986, I’m very interested in the history of Stanwell Moor. This was initially a private affair and started many years ago, but after sharing my research with a few neighbours, I was encouraged to share further. So here I am…
Looking at the options I decided the best approach was to create a simple website where I could share what I’m up to and (hopefully) create some discussion and dialogue that would eventually build into a potted history of this place we call home.
At the moment the website comprises three sections: the first is a series of short History Blogs that take a look at specific topics relating to the village, the second has the Frith pictures from the 1950’s along with some more recent shots (where perspective was available), and the third is a Forum to get folks sharing and talking. That last piece may need more work, and I’d enjoy more feedback, comments or additional questions about any topic, whether already on the site or something new or different.
I hope to post a new History Blog every month or so, and have about 20 more topics to feed the discussion, excluding anything that anyone reading this may have to add!
Please take a look and if you’re interested to contribute, please use the “Contact Us” form on the Home page and provide your name, e-mail address and a brief message explaining your relationship with the Moor and your desire to become a member. This is just to ensure you’re not a spammer from Indonesia, Russia or Bangalore (where a surprising number want to join!!) I’ll then get you signed up. That’ll allow you to “Like” or “Comment” on the current History Blogs, and also give you the opportunity to get your voice – and stories – into the Forum. It will also mean you’ll get an e-mail when anything new gets published.
If you just want to browse and not comment, that’s also fine and no need to fill out the form.”