Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024: A Community Triumph in Stanwell Moor

April 19th, 2024

On April 19th, 2024, Stanwell Moor Village witnessed a remarkable gathering of community spirit and environmental stewardship during the Earth Day celebrations hosted at The Anchor. This event, proudly sponsored by the Stanwell Moor Residents Association (SMRA) along with other local businesses and councils, highlighted the community’s commitment to combating pollution and enhancing our local environment.

Community and Commitment: The Heart of Earth Day 2024

The day kicked off at 11:30 AM at The Anchor, where residents and sponsors gathered to discuss the cleanup plan. The initiative, focusing on the theme “Planet vs. Plastics,” aimed to address the pressing issue of plastic pollution. Participants, equipped with enthusiasm and cleanup gear, embarked on a village-wide effort from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, working together to collect nearly 75 bags of rubbish.

The Anchor - Earth Day 2024
The Anchor – Earth Day 2024

The Anchor’s Pledge and Community Involvement

The Anchor, located at the heart of Stanwell Moor, led this initiative by not only hosting the event but also actively participating in the cleanup efforts. Their pledge to support Earth Day activities annually underlines their integral role in fostering community engagement and environmental responsibility.

Earth Day 2024
Earth Day 2024

Celebrating Post-Cleanup Success

Following the cleanup, participants returned to The Anchor for a well-deserved outdoor lunch. This gathering was not just a moment to relax, but also a celebration of the day’s accomplishments.

Earth Day 2024
Earth Day 2024

Gratitude and Future Engagement

SMRA extends a heartfelt thank you to all the participants, including local businesses like TW19 Staines, Surrey County Council, Spelthorne Borough Council, Heathrow Airport, Airpets, Aymer Clearance, Biffa, Costa Carwash, and Town Farm Primary School. Their contributions were invaluable in making this day a success.

The Anchor - Earth Day 2024
The Anchor – Earth Day 2024

A Lasting Impact

The overwhelming positive feedback from the participants highlights the event’s success and the community’s eagerness to engage in future environmental projects. SMRA is inspired by the passion and dedication shown and looks forward to continuing these efforts to keep Stanwell Moor clean and vibrant.

Join us in our future initiatives and remember, every small action contributes to a significant positive change for our planet and community. Let’s continue to make a difference together! For more updates and event information, please visit our Facebook page and mark your calendars for upcoming events.

The Anchor, Horton Road, Stanwell Moor, Staines TW19 6AQ, is more than just a local pub—it’s a cornerstone of community initiative and environmental awareness.

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One Comment to Earth Day 2024: A Community Triumph in Stanwell Moor

  1. Ted and I thoroughly enjoyed our time at Earth Day.
    Special thank you to Arvinda and Peter for doing a lot of the organising and to all the team at SMRA in leading this event. It’s wonderful what you all do

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