Stanwell Moor Village sign

Committee Update Autumn 2023

6 September 2023

Autumn 2023

Update on our meeting of 6 September 2023 covering our recent activities and plans.

Recent activities

We have been conducting litter picking in the village to keep it looking clean.

We have met with the local Chair for Neighbourhood Watch who is now actively setting it up in the area (see the road signs.)

We have run a competition for children to design an anti-litter poster. We have chosen the winner that we will be use in the village.

Public meeting 2 August 2023

We held a successful public meeting with Surrey Police, Surrey County Councillor and Spelthorne Borough Councillors on the panel.

This highlighted the issue of recent uptake in crime and anti-social behaviour, and taxi issues – we have invited Heathrow Airport to a public meeting in October.

Future events

We are arranging a number of events at the village hall.

4 October 2023 – public meeting with Heathrow Airport

10 November 2023 – Diwali

2 December 2023 – Christmas Fair

We also have a meeting planned with the Spelthorne MP Kwasi Kwateng to discuss issues in the borough we want his support on.

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