Government announcement backing Heathrow Third Runway project – SMRA response
The community engagement team from Heathrow have shared a statement on the Government’s support on the Third Runway with SMRA.
Heathrow Airport has described expanding the airport as being the largest privately-funded transport infrastructure project in Europe and an opportunity to stimulate significant growth during construction as well as boosting jobs, trade, tourism and investment for the local areas and every region and nation in the UK once complete. The airport has set a target of gaining changes to regulations and planning reform so that it can secure planning permission before the end of this Parliament.
They have informed us they will begin a programme of stakeholder engagement with local communities and authorities around Heathrow. We have been actively engaging with Heathrow Airport over the last two years to ensure we have strong working relationship ready for the Third Runway announcement.
Wewill work with them to ensure they acknowledge and understand the impact of the Third Runway project on our village both during and after the completion of the project. They have committed to listening to us. Our lobbying will include scrutiny of their plans including disruption to the local community, compensation for impacts, changes to carbon, noise and air quality.
Today is day one – the government announcement. Once the plans are clear and the listening process begins we will be making our detailed demands clear and working to get them secured. Before then we will be Standing up For Stanwell Moor by using all our existing channels to ensure that our village and its needs are at the forefront of their plans once they become public.
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