British Airways plane

Heathrow Fly Quieter and Greener League Table

Relaunch of Fly Quieter and Greener League Table by Heathrow Airport.

Heathrow Airport have announced the relaunch of its quarterly Fly Quieter and Greener league table of how airlines perform on noise and emissions. The table ranks the largest 50 airlines at Heathrow on their performance, incentivising improvements and giving neighbours and stakeholders transparent data.

The scheme will see quarterly updates of how airlines perform against key metrics, including how loud they are, how often they operate late after 23:30 and how well they innovate to reduce noise impacts.

Heathrow was the first airport in the UK to introduce this type of league table back in 2013, and we regularly engage with airlines to encourage the use of more efficient aircraft in their fleet, as well as trialling and rolling out new procedures that minimise the impact on local communities.

Fly Quieter and Greener League Table

More links can be found on our Local Information page.

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