Stanwell Moor Village Hall


7-8pm on Monday 22 January 2024

Village Hall, Stanwell Moor

  • As part of our constitution we hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The AGM is to be held on 22 January 2024.
  • At the meeting we shall report on our work, present a statement of accounts and resign from our posts.  
  • Those present shall then elect a new committee for the next year.  They shall vote on committee nominations, recommendations, and any amendments to the constitution.  Only those present are permitted to vote.
  • There are ten posts in the committee including the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.  We are also looking for six general members especially if you can help on environmental and business issues.
  • Posts on the committee are restricted to people who live in the village.
  • Only those who have emailed their nomination (see below) are permitted to stand for a committee position.
  • Nominations are to be sent to our email address.

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