Staines Moor

Have Your Say on Footpaths in and out of Stanwell Moor

Surrey residents are being asked to share their views on public footpaths to help drive improvements. Help protect our village’s paths – please complete the survey now.

Our village has numerous footpaths and bridleways going North towards Stanwell Moor North, East to Poyle, South to Staines and around the lake on the Eastern side towards the M25. Some of these are in such a state of disrepair that they are becoming permanently difficult to use. These tracks are used everyday by villagers walking their dogs, jogging and, walking to and from work. These are vital routes for the life of the village. It’s not just about roads.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for residents to share their views and really shape how we manage and improve our rights of way,” said Marisa Heath, Surrey County Council cabinet member for the environment.

We need your contribution to this survey to ensure the village gets the attention, resources and outcomes it deserves. Please complete the survey and tell your neighbours and friends to complete it too. Every view counts!

The survey is open until 10 March. Don’t leave it too late!

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