The Anchor Stanwell Moor

Enough is Enough – stopping anti-social behaviour by private hire cab drivers.

Enough is Enough – stopping anti-social behaviour by private hire cab drivers.  Stanwell Moor is getting a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to help clear its streets from anti-social behaviour by some private hire cab users.  The residents of the village made their voices heard in a recent Spelthorne Borough Council consultation, who have listened and taken action.

After holding public meetings with its residents Stanwell Moor Residents Association have been lobbying Heathrow Airport and Spelthorne Borough Council over the last twelve months about the continuing litter, verbal abuse and illegal parking by some private hire cab driers in its village.  In January 2024 Spelthorne Borough Council held a consultation on having a Public Space Protection Order in parts of the borough.  Around 70% of 349 respondents agreed with the proposals in a consultation.  We are pleased the Council has acted on its consultation.

From the consultation the Council reported that cab drivers waiting to pick up Heathrow fares have often relieved themselves in bushes, hedgerows and on village streets despite available toilet facilities nearby. with one resident saying they felt unsafe even challenging the offending cab drivers.  Stanwell residents said in response to the consultation:  “Enough is enough”. Respondents said some drivers have been verbally “aggressive” towards them.

Kathleen Croft, Vice Chair of the Association was interviewed on Greatest Hits Radio news and said “residents will be able to report incidents to the Council who will enforce the PSPO with fixed penalty notices for offenders.”

Heathrow Airport said in response to the consultation: “Littering, urination and defecation are detrimental acts of harm to the local community, but they are of considerable harm to the environment and the delicate ecosystem around Stanwell Moor.”

Vehicles will be allowed to pick up or drop off a fare within the prohibited area, if the company operating the vehicle is based in, or the driver lives in, the exclusion area.  Council officers said there will be discretion in the enforcement of the rules. Fairs and events will be able to continue as normal, providing it is pre-arranged and approved by the council.The PSPO also covers other areas including Stanwell, and other anti-social behaviour issues including banning tents and barbecues. 

Enforcement officers from the council and Surrey Police will be given further powers to deal with the highlighted issues. Coming into force in 2024, the PSPO will last for at least three years.

Thanks to Get Surrey for reporting on the new PSPO.

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